About the My Saving Grace project
My Saving Grace began as a post script. A small pause after a story, when the storyteller catches their breath and then gathers themselves in the moment of greatest vulnerability. When the last whispered words shine the brightest light. After listening to the story of one woman’s journey through years of domestic violence and how she finally found the strength to leave she said,
I wouldn’t have survived without my cat, she was my saving grace.
Those words created a new understanding and opened a space for listening more carefully for the link between animals and people, resilience born of connection, and how companion animals are entwined in the cycle of violence and redemption. Once the link was clear, the stories unfolded.
In thinking about the culture of domestic violence it was important to look for ways to capture firsthand stories that encourages readers to stay open hearted. It is challenging not to look away. ‘My Saving Grace’ offers the reader an opportunity to explore the impact of domestic violence on companion animals and the people who love them, animal guardians, veterinarians, animal welfare workers, police, advocates, everyday people who believe that loving and protecting animals creates a safer and more connected world for everyone.
Abuse occurs with varying frequency across all social domains. While working on gathering information and educating ourselves about 'the link' we became aware of the existence of anecdotal stories from across the economic, social, cultural, religious and political spectrum. While we are unable to give voice to those stories in this project due to the specific focus of our narrative, weacknowledge that domestic violence is also experienced by men, and in the LGBTQI community.
We initially planned this project as a 6 week photographic portrait project. Every story reveals itself in its own time. Three years later we realise that we can never really finish telling this story. What we can do is create a 'leaky portal'. A little window through which understanding can flow.
Please feel free to reach out to us and add your voice to the discussion by writing to info@mysavinggrace.org.au or via Facebook and Twitter.
Our hope is that each visitor to the site will be one more person who changes the story.
Our deepest gratitude goes out to each woman who stepped into this space, each change maker who is speaking out, each companion animal, living and passed, who is connected to us through their story. We see you.
Lisa, Rich and Kim.
Greetings. I am a social justice advocate for animals and people and have worked in community development, human rights, peacebuilding and social justice advocacy for over 20 years.
I take an intersectional approach to forms of violence and work to build connection between theory and practice and between animals and people. 'My Saving Grace' is a culmination of this work.
As a photojournalist and film maker, the opportunity to tell under reported stories is what motivates me. My Saving Grace offered this. Throughout the project I've been shocked at the mostly unseen levels of violence that afflicts our society, but more importantly, I've been inspired at the resilience and courage of those who speak out to create change.
Having Lily, an adorable Labradoodle join my family half way into the project has been a welcome and loving distraction.
www.richwainwright.com -
I grew up on a farm, where it wasn't unusual to come home to new family member in the form of a lamb, bird or kangaroo. These animals became part of the family and caring for them was just as important as looking out for 'people' animals.
Although I've worked across all sorts of topics as a journalist and media professional, interviewing people on the frontline of animal abuse and domestic violence for My Saving Grace was an eye-opener to this largely unseen community issue. It's one I hope we can change through an open discussion.